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Windows XP Pro SP3 Fully Updated 2020 ISO + WIM file for network deployment

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With WEPOS Patch, all updates except those that break things (Thanks M$)
No BS Installed or Mods
MSDN Sourced base image, not built off some sketchy pirate bay ISO


Also included is a WIM file for deploying over the network using WDS for example or including in a Windows multi-installer disk.

IE6 and WMP9 are still installed, as sometimes the older versions are preferred. Of course you can update these easily.

Note, there will be some updates left not installed, specifically KB4486463, KB4494528 and KB905474. Hide them, these are defective updates that were never fixed by Microsoft and have been known to break things.

If for whatever reason the activation does not work, go to the $OEM$\$1\RUNONCE folder on the CD and run AntiWPA3.cmd, you might need to uninstall, then reinstall the activation patch.

Note pertaining to the WIM installation, does NOT APPLY TO THE ISO: Due to the way the XP works (or doesn't) I have to make it a fully unattended installation otherwise you likely wouldn't get a working mouse and keyboard. There will be a prompt on first login asking for you to set up a local username and password, however you will need to set up the computer name and regional information/timezone yourself after installation.

Tip: you can modify the WIM file to already have the settings you want by mounting it with DISM (Windows 8.1/10 required or Microsoft WAIK installed) and editing the sysprep.inf in \sysprep with the setupmgr.exe tool in the same directory. Make sure to chose "Yes, fully automate the installation" in the initial wizard or your image might not work. Warning: after saving the file with setupmgr you will need to manually edit it with a text editor and remove the line InstallFilesPath=C:\sysprep\i386 or your image won't install properly. Just another classic XP quirk. 

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